4:00 PM16:00

Public Book Launch: Every Peach is a Story (2 programs one for kids one for adults)

The Masumoto family is very honored and excited to share a debut children's book co-written by David Mas and Nikiko Masumoto. Every Peach is a Story follows a little girl, Midori, as she learns how to tell when a peach is ripe from her jiichan and family. It's a beautiful celebration of connection to the land, community history, and bonding across generations.

On Friday, March 7th, there will be a free Book Launch event at UJCC, 136 N. Villa, Clovis, CA 93612

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm : Reading aimed at kids and families

5:30 pm a Book Talk with co-authors and SPECIAL guest, award-winning illustrator Lauren Tamaki

Please join us for this moving event and buy a book!

Also, if you're not able to make Friday evening, consider joining "Blossom Bathing" (a curated farm-walk) @ Masumoto Family Farm on Saturday March 8 or Sunday March 9, more info:

For questions, e-mail

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6:30 PM18:30

How can we make farm work healthier?

A Zócalo/The California Wellness Foundation Event

Moderated by Alice Daniel, News Director, KVPR

More than half of our nation’s fruits and vegetables are produced by California workers—who often risk their health to put food on our tables. Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, farmworkers have been designated “essential workers” along with doctors and nurses. Yet most farmworkers lack health care coverage, even as they face health hazards including noise, heat, harmful chemicals, and musculoskeletal injuries. As they maintain our consistent food supply during the disruptions of our COVID-19 responses, farmworkers are potentially exposed to the virus while struggling with long hours, low wages, polluted air, overcrowded housing, and frequent relocations. What do Americans owe to the laborers who put fruits, vegetables, nuts, and milk on our tables? How are changes in technology and immigration enforcement reshaping the nature of farm work and its health—including mental health—concerns? What progress has been made in protecting the health of farmworkers, and what important steps are regulators or the agricultural industry refusing to take? Organic farmer and artist Nikiko Masumoto, Huron Mayor Rey León, health researcher Chia Thao, and Tania Pacheco-Werner, co-assistant director of the Central Valley Health Policy Institute, visit with Zócalo in the heart of California’s Central Valley, to consider how to make farm work healthier.


This event will be online-only, with audience participation via live chat.
Please RSVP in advance to receive event updates. 

As a convener of public events, we want you, our audience, to know that we are committed to the health and well-being of our community. The situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly changing, and the California Public Health Department has issued guidance pertaining to events in areas with potential community spread.

As many people practice social distancing, we feel that the public square is ever more important. During these difficult times, we want to nurture community and connectedness, and we hope you will join us online.

We will update this page with streaming instructions. And please feel free to share this event with friends.

Register for the event:

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7:00 AM07:00

Kohlrabi 5 Ways

Maecenas lobortis tincidunt nisl, at elementum sapien volutpat vitae. Vivamus ornare iaculis odio quis consectetur. Aliquam eu iaculis velit. Donec condimentum risus eget augue blandit, vitae hendrerit velit accumsan. Aenean ipsum orci, eleifend sed nisi vel, aliquet iaculis purus. Curabitur porttitor vel odio ut congue. Duis pretium sapien sed egestas bibendum. 

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to Dec 31

Coat Drive

Integer ac metus id leo facilisis convallis vel ac ligula. Donec nec nisi lectus. Proin ac ex luctus, luctus magna sed, blandit tellus. Etiam imperdiet, nisl sed lobortis consequat, arcu augue auctor lacus, in elementum purus orci et orci. Aliquam pellentesque neque ac metus molestie lacinia. In placerat erat sit amet pharetra semper. Nam non nisi vitae tortor lacinia aliquet. Quisque ut aliquam nulla. Quisque sed varius dui. Sed nulla velit, maximus ut scelerisque sit amet, venenatis at nibh. Vivamus a elementum erat, eget blandit nisi.

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9:00 AM09:00

Turnip Harvest

Vestibulum molestie convallis dui, non congue arcu commodo suscipit. Vestibulum a leo risus. Quisque sem augue, maximus id magna sed, consectetur aliquet arcu. Curabitur nulla risus, ullamcorper vitae mi vel, accumsan bibendum nisi. Vestibulum at orci vitae lacus placerat faucibus eget quis sem.

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12:00 PM12:00

Pumpkin Pie Bake

Nullam posuere bibendum vestibulum. Aliquam lobortis semper nibh, nec viverra tellus consequat in. Nulla cursus, tellus at aliquet faucibus, dolor sapien lacinia tellus, a condimentum lectus mi non massa. Fusce a augue elit. Vivamus pretium luctus quam congue commodo. Quisque sagittis est eu vestibulum hendrerit. Mauris sed tortor ex. Integer auctor diam elit, sit amet varius ipsum semper sed. In id placerat orci

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4:00 PM16:00

Professor Eugene Thompson: Winter Sustenance Throughout History

Proin efficitur justo scelerisque venenatis porttitor. In tincidunt nisi id leo consequat, sed vestibulum purus placerat. Nunc ut semper dui. Vestibulum semper sem vel eros faucibus, a luctus diam vulputate. Integer ac maximus lectus. Vestibulum non luctus arcu. Nunc venenatis rutrum malesuada. Phasellus eleifend gravida augue id tincidunt. Proin sed metus sed ligula fringilla elementum. Donec cursus ligula sed lorem iaculis ultricies. Integer in erat aliquam, sagittis nisi quis, varius dui. Pellentesque non suscipit sapien, at auctor nibh.

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